Five Ways to Help Writers and Actors Striking in Hollywood Right Now … And Where to Go From Here.

SP Batchelder
13 min readJul 13, 2023
Hollywood on Fire

Many people seem to be running around like chickens with their heads cut off right now, screaming at the sky “Hollywood is falling!” in response to, immediately, the WGA writer’s strike and the SAG-AFTRA actor’s strike, and more protractedly, the Great Netflix Correction, rocketing interest rates from the Fed, a recession, and of course a global pandemic.

While I’m not the bastion of brilliance, I certainly spend too much time reading and listening to thought leaders, and have been in the trenches out here for fifteen years.

So, in the Complete Leadership Vacuum Intergalactic Garbage Fire™ we are currently experiencing, I thought I might put into writing what I’ve been exasperatingly expressing on phone calls and texts.

Let’s focus on the strike for now, and how you can help.

As we all know, screaming at the sky solves nothing. I’m here to give you some tangible things if you can’t walk the picket lines that will actually cause pain to the other side. As a note, yes writers, we know your witty puns sting on twitter but, uh, as they say, follow the money.

